This is the Memento Mori Oracle Podcast, where I, Claire Goodchild discuss the history, lore and symbolism of the images depicted in the cards of the Memento Mori Oracle Deck. In each episode, you will get to hear the stories and facts behind the objects on one of the cards in the deck. Think of this as less of a traditional guidebook, and more of a deep dive into our curious and often morbid history. One that you can conveniently listen to whenever you want.

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
This week we dive into the mythology and mystery of the Snake. We open with a lesser known Grimm's fairytale, talk about snake dream interpretation and head to China and learn the story of The White Snake.
For show notes and a full script, head to blackandthemoon.com
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Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Smoke: This week we are heading back into London and discussing the Great Fire of 1666 and then taking a look at the Sweeping Boys of the 19th century.
Viewer discretion is advised for this one: child labour/abuse.

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
This week we are heading into medieval London and talking about the infamous Tyburn Tree.

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Welcome to part 2 of our Grave episode. If you haven’t listened to part one, I recommend you do that first. Last week we discussed the art of reading headstones, and there was one crucial piece I left out: the epitaph.

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
This week we discuss the history and symbolism behind graves. This is part one of two episodes.

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
In 1845 two ships named the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, carried 134 men towards the frozen waters of what is now Nunavut, Canada in order to finish mapping the then theoretical route, known as the Northwest Passage. Other than 5 men who fell ill early into the expedition and were discharged, the renowned Caption Franklin and his entire crew would be dead in just a few short years.
It would be 169 years until the first of the two ships were found, thanks to an Inuit historian named Louie Kamookak who was from a place called Gjoa Haven. Mr. Kamookak dedicated his life to documenting Inuit oral history and all the legends about the Franklin expedition told to him by the community elders. When the fleet first went missing, the Inuit testimony was disregarded due to racism, but Louie knew in his heart that they were true, and he proved it - to all of us.

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Situated in county Meath in the east of Ireland, is a magical place known as the Hill of Tara. When the Celts reigned and clans were constantly at war with each-other, this place was the sacred inauguration site for kings. Its history spans thousands of years and it was said if you controlled Tara, you controlled Ireland.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
This weeks episode is all about the history of the horseshoe, and its role in occult beliefs and superstitions.
Horseshoes have a long and interesting history of being protection symbols, and this is where their luck is rooted. Our medieval counterparts had a lot of things to worry about, famine, disease and war to name a few.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
This is the Memento Mori Oracle Podcast, where I, Claire Goodchild discuss the history, lore and symbolism of the images depicted in the cards of the Memento Mori Oracle Deck.
In each episode, you will get to hear the stories and facts behind the objects on one of the cards in the deck. Think of this as less of a traditional guidebook, and more of a deep dive into our curious and often morbid history. One that you can conveniently listen to whenever you want.